The benefits...
CBD is the major non-psychoactive ingredient in Cannabis and can be legally sold in the UK and every other territory we are aware of. A prominent group of compounds found called cannabidinoids (CBD), are of great benefit to the health of the human body. We’ll discuss CBD and Curcumin separately. Here’s a quick summary of the benefits of CBD.
According to a 2013 study, it appears that CBD has anti-inflammatory, anti-convulsant, anxiolytic and antioxidant properties, ensuring it has the capacity to help treat the likes of oxidative injury, epilepsy, vomiting and nausea, neuro-inflammation and anxiety. It would take an entire book to discus all its health uses, but below is a quick summary of what you need to know.
CBD is the major non-psychoactive ingredient in Cannabis and can be legally sold in the UK and every other territory we are aware of. A prominent group of compounds found called cannabidinoids (CBD), are of great benefit to the health of the human body. We’ll discuss CBD and Curcumin separately. Here’s a quick summary of the benefits of CBD.
According to a 2013 study, it appears that CBD has anti-inflammatory, anti-convulsant, anxiolytic and antioxidant properties, ensuring it has the capacity to help treat the likes of oxidative injury, epilepsy, vomiting and nausea, neuro-inflammation and anxiety. It would take an entire book to discus all its health uses, but below is a quick summary of what you need to know.
Anxiety – CBD appears possesses anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing) effects. Research published in 2012 confirms that the cannabinoid can help treat patients with social anxiety disorder and may be effective for those suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. Moreover, a study published the year before found that, among social disorder sufferers, CBD pre-treatment significantly reduced their anxiety, cognitive impairment and discomfort during a public speaking exercise.
Cardiovascular health – When it comes to the health of the heart and blood vessels, CBD may help protect against vascular damage caused by consumption of high-glucose foods, inflammation and type 2 diabetes; plus, evidence suggests it can play a significant role in reducing associated vascular hyperpermeability (a cause of leaky gut in the digestive system).
Diabetes – Results from a study conducted in 2006 showed a significant reduction of diabetes among non-obese diabetic mice (diabetes occurred in just 30% of those treated with CBD, but occurred in 86% of those not treated); while treated mice also experienced considerably reduced insulitis. Additionally, the 2005-10 National Health and Nutritional Survey – conducted on adults in the United States – discovered that marijuana use (and, thus, consumption of CBD) was associated with 16% lower fasting insulin levels among the more then 4,500 participants.
Nausea and vomiting – Cannabis has a long, centuries-long history of use in societies for helping with nausea and vomiting; among around 80 other cannabinoids, CBD has been proved by animal studies to be effective at reducing or eliminating them both (a 2012 study discovered it possessed anti-nausea and antiemetic properties when administered to rats).
Pain and inflammation – CBD may prove effective in modulating pain thanks to its ability to inhibit neuronal transmission via pain pathways; for instance, recent research found it successfully suppressed chronic inflammation and neuropathic pain in rodents8, while a 2007 study discovered that CBD was effective as a treatment for neuropathic pain among sufferers of multiple sclerosis.
Seizures – A 2014 Stanford University survey into epilepsy and use of CBD-enriched cannabis saw an 84% drop in seizures among children, among whom 42% enjoyed more than an 80% reduction; the study also found further beneficial effects of CBD cannabis among sufferers, including increased alertness, improved mood and better sleep, although drowsiness and fatigue were reported as side-effects. In the same year, another child-based study – involving sufferers of treatment-resistant epilepsy – revealed that nearly one in four (39%) of those who received an oil-based CBD extract experienced a 50% seizure reduction after three months.
Other benefits – CBD is effective in modulating central nervous system (CNS) excitability and the immune system’s response to this condition, while further research suggests that it can enhance both musculoskeletal system function and joint health14. Numerous studies all extol its value in supporting the immune system.
Combining CBD with Curcumin to further enhance the effects.
Obviously CBD works perfectly well by itself. But CBD and Curcmin together are even better. We recommend combining it with Curcumin because it has some quite similar benefits to CBD, especially where is comes to supporting the immune system, cardiovascular health, reducing inflammation and helping with anxiety. (Neuro-chemical research has shown that Turmeric and Curcumin can increase Serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine levels in the brain).
The owner of the company who manufacture the CBD and Curcumin we sell, tells us he combines the two together, and this has an “amazing” effect on him. We provide two rather similar products – Liposomal Curcumin C3 Complex – 250ml which is just Curcumin and Liposomal Curcumin Turmerease – 250ml, which has a less concentrated amount of curcumin because it also contains ‘Cureit’ – which is CNTM (Complete Natural Turmeric Matrix). It’s almost impossible to say which one is better overall (they are both excellent products of course) but we have put what we hope is a helpful comparison table on both pages of the web site, which will help you decide which one to get. Obviously you can try both if you want to and see if you notice a difference between the two. If you decide to try both, we’d love to get your feedback. Write a review, and as always you’ll also get 500 reward points from us.
Further benefits of Curcumin and Turmeric include:
Fights candida and other fungi
Good for gastrointestinal health
Promotes liver health